

Date Headline File
27/09/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - DRP
27/09/2024 Application for Quotation of Securities - DRP
27/09/2024 Update Dividend/Distribution - LBL
20/09/2024 LaserBond 2024 Annual General Meeting Notice & Proxy Form
18/09/2024 Update Dividend/Distribution - LBL
03/09/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice
03/09/2024 Investor Presentation
27/08/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice
27/08/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice
23/08/2024 LaserBond FY24 Performance Summary
23/08/2024 5-Year Summary to FY2024
23/08/2024 Dividend/Distribution - LBL
23/08/2024 LaserBond 2024 Annual Report
23/08/2024 LBL 2024 Appendix 4E
23/08/2024 Corporate Governance Statement
23/08/2024 Appendix 4G - Corporate Governance Statement
28/03/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice - DRP
28/03/2024 Application for quotation of securities - DRP
28/03/2024 Update Dividend / Distribution - LBL
25/03/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice
20/03/2024 Change in Substantial Holding
19/03/2024 Update Dividend / Distribution - LBL
08/03/2024 Investor Presentation
05/02/2024 Application for Quotation of Securities
27/02/2024 Change of Director's Interest Notice
23/02/2024 Strategic Expansion in WA Purchase Consideration_Update
23/02/2024 Appendix 3B - Proposed Issue of Securities
23/02/2024 LaserBond Dec 23 Half-Year Performance Summary
23/02/2024 5 Half Year Results Summary
23/02/2024 LaserBond Dec 23 Appendix 4D & Financial Report
23/02/2024 Dividend Distribution - LBL
23/02/2024 LaserBond's Strategic Expansion in WA
23/01/2024 Corporate Governance Statement (Update)
09/01/2024 Change in Substantial Holding
22/12/2023 Market Clarification
20/12/2023 Change of Director's Interest Notice - ESOP
20/12/2023 Application of Quotation of Securities - ESOP
20/10/2023 LaserBond 2023 Annual General Meeting Results
19/10/2023 LaserBond 2023 AGM Address
06/10/2023 Change of Director's Interest Notice - DRP
06/10/2023 Application for Quotation of Securities - DRP
06/10/2023 Update Dividend/Distribution - LBL
22/09/2023 Update Dividend/Distribution - LBL
08/09/2023 LaserBond 2023 AGM Notice & Proxy Form
06/09/2023 Investor Presentation